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Which Report? Best hearing aid providers for 2025: The latest Which Report for hearing aids

Kimberley Bradshaw - Head of Online Medical Content for Hearing Aid UK
Written By:
Kimberley Bradshaw

Head of Online Medical Content

Paul Harrison - Audiology Expert at Hearing Aid UK
Medically Reviewed By:
Paul Harrison

Audiology Expert at Hearing Aid UK

Updated and medically reviewed: 5th February 2025
The Which? Report: Best hearing aid providers for 2025

The 2025 Which Report for Hearing Aids

What are the best hearing aid providers in 2025?


January 2023 Update:  We wanted to let our customers know that this report is the latest one for hearing aids that Which has released and reflects their own website, this was updated by them in October 2022.   When a new version of the Which Report Best Hearing Aid Providers is released, we will update this article accordingly.


Which Report on hearing aids

Choosing the right hearing aids is a complex process with so many factors to consider.  Should you buy your hearing aids privately or go through the NHS service?  How much should you be paying for them and what providers have the best service?  What better way to find out than through the Which? report's statistics?

To obtain these results they surveyed over 1,572 of their customers to give consumers a better idea of the best hearing aid providers out there.  Digital hearing aid users were asked about their experiences with different retailers with questions about which outlets offer the best hearing tests, the greatest choice of product, and who offers the best value for money.

Which Report for hearing aids UK 

Which Report 2025

Latest Which Report on Hearing Aids


Local independent retailers come first again

As with the last three Which Report publications before this one, local independent audiologists come top.  This survey shows that independent retailers like us are rated the highest by hearing aid consumers - coming in at 86%.

Because we are the largest network of such independent audiologists, Which? has permitted us to write this article about their report and they classify us as such independents. However, it should be noted that other independent audiologists who are not part of our network are also considered equally highly.

Our network consists of over 200 independent audiologists. We have over 200 clinic locations as well as offering a full home visit service.


Which Report 2025 Ratings for Independents Summary

  • Rated as excellent with 5 stars in most categories.
  • Rated as "4 stars" for staff professionalism and customer service, hearing aid suitability, and value for money.
  • Worth noting that the average price through an independent retailer was £3217.74 which is more in line with the very most expensive pair we sell. This is because some independent retailers who are not connected to us charge exorbitant prices. 


Hearing Aid UK Hearing Aids - What hearing aids do we sell?

Hearing Aid UK supplies hearing aids from every single one of the manufacturers, without bias. We have no ties to any brands.  Value for money is more than just getting a bargain, it's all about the whole package and aftercare you receive that brings value to the client. 



Amplifon is an Italian company with a large UK presence – more than 200 centres in the UK and some home visit coverage.


Which Report 2025 Ratings for Amplifon Hearing Aids Summary

On the whole, Amplifon seems to have improved since the last Which Report, as consumers consider them to:

  • Offer an excellent testing service and testing environment.
  • Provide a good level of customer service, aftercare, hearing aid appearance, and suitability.
  • Customers also stated that they didn't have to wait particularly long for their appointments to be arranged.
  • However, customers think Amplifon's value for money and price could be improved.


Amplifon Hearing Aids - What do they sell?

Amplifon has always had a strong business relationship with GN Resound and most of the aids sold by them are from this manufacturer. They also sell Phonak and Widex hearing aids.

It should be noted that since the Which Report came out, Amplifon has moved to selling their "Amplifon own brand" of hearing aids which Amplifon General Manager, Paula Cave tells us are based on the same technology as the current model branded aids from the main manufacturers they use but rebranded as Amplifon.

We asked Paula to confirm whether their aids have the same full range of technologies in them or whether they are a cut-down or "de-featured" version, but she declined to comment.


Boots Hearing Care

Boots is one of the largest of the national retailers with 430 stores and after local independents, were the highest-rated High street presence.


Which Report 2025 Ratings for Boots Hearing Aids Summary

Overall customers think that Boots Hearing Care is good in most areas of their hearing healthcare services.  Including:

  • Offering an excellent testing service.
  • Having an impressive follow-up system in place.
  • However, customers believe Boots could improve their value for money and price.


Boots Hearing Aids - What do they sell?

Boots Hearingcare is part-owned by the same company that makes Phonak aids and the vast majority of their customers bought Phonak hearing aids, they also dispensed a small percentage of Widex and also aids from their lower-priced "essentials" range. Many of their customers reported pressure to buy the Boot's preferred brand.


Hidden Hearing

Hidden Hearing is a large UK company with 80 centres and a full home visit service.


Which Report 2025 Ratings for Hidden Hearing Aids Summary

Whilst customers think that Hidden Hearing could still improve their pricing and their price transparency online, they also thought:

  • Their aftercare and testing service was really good.
  • The product range offered was impressive.
  • However, some customers felt pressured to buy their insurance when compared to other retailers.
  • Overall most customers thought that the whole in-store experience was very sales-driven.


Hidden Hearing Hearing Aids - What do they sell?

Hidden Hearing is owned by a larger company William Demant. William Demant also owns the hearing aid manufacturers Oticon and Bernafon and these are the two brands that Hidden Hearing supplies.  Chances are you'll probably be offered a hearing aid from these two brands, as most of their customers are reported buying Oticon hearing aids.


Specsavers Hearcare

Specsavers have hearing centres in many of their optics locations and have over 600 locations overall making them the largest UK branch-based retailer.


Which Report 2025 Ratings for Specsavers Hearing Aids Summary

The overall customer perspective of Specsavers has changed slightly from the last Which Report, with some services not being considered as good.  Here is a summary of the customer's recent feedback:

  • They continue to like their hearing aid prices (for a pair).
  • Most people thought both their hearing tests and the testing environment were excellent.
  • However, the customers felt that their staff's knowledge and professionalism were average.
  • Most thought their hearing aids could be improved - including the appearance, range, comfort, and suitability.
  • Consumers were also more likely to report problems with their hearing aids than with any other company.


Specsavers Hearing Aids - What do they sell?

Specsavers like to dispense their own brand range, the “Advance” but also do Phonak and Signia aids.  However, the majority of customers are recorded purchasing Signia hearing aids.



Scrivens is one of the larger national chains with over 300 outlets, though many of these are manned only once or twice a month.


Which Report 2025 Ratings for Scrivens Hearing Aids Summary

The poor level of consumer satisfaction achieved by this company has stayed quite consistent with all of the Which Reports from previous years.  Here is a summary of the customer's feedback:

  • They thought the thoroughness of their testing was good.
  • However, they thought that the product range and aftercare could be improved.
  • A high percentage of people also reported hearing aid problems.


Scrivens Hearing Aids - What do they sell?

Scrivens mainly dispenses Bernafon and Starkey hearing aids.


Best Hearing Aid Providers in the UK

Which Report on Hearing Aids 2025

Choosing the right hearing aid provider


Why is it so important?

Finding the right hearing aid provider is one of the most important parts of the hearing aid process.  There are a handful of really good manufacturers in the industry so the difference between a good and bad hearing aid is usually down to the service, fit, and aftercare from your audiologist than the device itself. 

Discovering an audiologist you can trust will ultimately result in the best hearing aid for you, your lifestyle, and your hearing loss.  Without the right professional hearing aid provider offering optimum aftercare – you could end up with the wrong device that you won’t wear.


Aftercare is crucial

Hearing aid retailers and providers differ in their service and aftercare - with independents coming out on top.  At Hearing Aid UK, we know how important aftercare is and recognise that it plays an integral role in hearing healthcare.  Because of this, we always build strong and trusting relationships with our patients.  We also know that treating all hearing loss the same will not work.


Want to know more about the latest Which Report on hearing aids 2025?

To discover more about us, watch the video about what we offer to our customers, our hearing aid prices, and more below. 

If you would like any more information about the above article, high street retailers, or the difference between them and the service we provide - call us free for an informal chat on 0800 567 7621

Alternatively, you can watch our short video about what makes us so unique when compared to our competitors below.

*Which? Report

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Paul Harrison
Hearing Aid Advisor
Unlike most national retailers we are not owned by any manufacturer, this means we can offer the full choice of all makes and models of hearing aids

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Need more information on hearing aids or hearing healthcare?

If you have any questions regarding this article, any other enquiries about hearing aids, hearing loss or hearing healthcare - call us free on 0800 567 7621 - or request a callback.

Read next:

►  The best hearing aids

►  Book a free hearing test 

►  View our price list 

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Meet Paul Harrison, Audiology Expert at Hearing Aid UK

Paul Harrison is an audiology expert at Hearing Aid UK, with over 20 years of audiology experience and a member of the British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists Council (BSHAA) between 2015 - 2020.

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Common FAQs about the best hearing aid providers 2025

Who are the best hearing aid providers in the UK?

As with the last three Which Report publications before this one, local independent audiologists come top.  The survey in this article shows that private and independent hearing aid providers like us are rated the highest by hearing aid consumers.

Do all hearing aid providers offer free hearing tests?

Hearing tests are often free, but you will have to pay for any treatment you might need such as hearing aids.  However, unlike us, some hearing aid providers charge for home hearing tests or are unable to provide a home hearing healthcare service in your area.  Always check with the hearing aid provider before committing to a consultation.

Do hearing aid providers charge for aftercare?

Unlike Hearing Aid UK, some highstreet hearing aid providers will charge extra for aftercare.  It is important to understand who does, so you can factor this in with your hearing aid cost.  All our hearing aid prices include hearing tests, fitting, programming, maintenance and your aftercare going forward.  There are no hidden nasties!

Other pages you might find useful

Best Hearing Aids 2025
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Audiology Home Visits
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Latest Launch

When we refer to a product as 'Latest Launch', we mean it is the latest to be released on the market.



When we refer to a product as 'New', we mean that the product is the newest hearing aid model on the market.


When we refer to a product as 'Superseded', we mean that there is a newer range available which replaces and improves on this product.


Older Model

When we refer to a product as an 'Older Model', we mean that it is has been superseded by at least two more recent hearing aid ranges.
